Pack your pillow, carry your sword

I bet you didn’t think I’d be talking about pillows and the Bible in the same breath, did you? But hang with me, because it all makes sense!

Have you ever been on vacation, all excited for a good night’s sleep, only to find that the hotel pillows are a disaster? You know the ones — they either flatten like tissue paper or feel like rocks. You wake up with a crick in your neck, and suddenly, the whole trip feels just a little off.

That’s why I always bring my own pillow when I travel. It makes a world of difference, because sleep is everything, right? And, honestly, I think our relationship with the Bible is kind of the same way.

Sure, you can get by without reading it regularly. But when you truly make God’s Word a part of your routine, it transforms everything. Just like a pillow helps you sleep better, the Bible helps you think better. It renews your mind and shifts your entire perspective on life.

Romans 12:2 says, “Let God transform you by changing the way you think.” It’s not just about reading words on a page; it’s about allowing God’s truth to sink into your heart and replace the lies you’ve been believing for far too long. And here’s the crazy part — science backs this up! Our brains are wired to change through repetition, a process called neuroplasticity. That means the more you meditate on Scripture, the more it literally rewires your brain for positive, God-centered thinking.

So here’s the challenge: start treating the Bible like your go-to pillow. Make it a priority, carry it with you (even if just in your heart), and watch how it transforms the way you live, think, and experience life.

Trust me, it’s more than worth it.

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